October Updates and Transparency!!

donations store updates

Hey Keeb Fam!!! 

Davis here! I'm short on time so I'm gonna save me and you some. 

1) September was a great month - the Koala/ L7  GB really drove traffic and sales - I'm kind of battling with running more GB's. On one hand it helps with offloading the risk, and introducing new products to the store. On the other hand, its not great for profit and I don't wanna be a Group buy Shop. So I have a couple more lined up, but we'll see... 


2) DONATIONS!! Because we had such a great month in sales I was able to make a pretty good donation to the Milwaukee Freedom Fund. I appreciate everyone of you for helping support the causes that are important to me and bettering the world around us. For October's donations, we will revert our focus back to Black Girls Code. I realized, that I want to save the world using a different cause every month, but without focus there are no results. 



3) October Updates!!!  Its been pretty slow honestly, Autumn Festival slowed up deliveries, and I've been focusing on filling the Koala Group buy. Inks are available (10/14), I also have Gateron Milks that are en-route to me. Thic Thock MARSHMALLOWS are coming! I originally was hoping for this month but seems more likely for November. They will be available as IN STOCK sale! SO  that is really exciting. There are some other things in the works... soon come

I just want to thank everyone for the support, encouraging words, discord activity JUST everything! 

Also WE GOT FRESH BRANDING !!! New Logo and Logo Text in various colors. 

That's It! That's All Folk! - Davis

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